Friday, April 16, 2010

screeching to a halt

On the way to volunteering, I was on the highway when everything just ground to a complete stop. I sat around for 5 mins hoping things would get moving again before sirens filled the air. Squeezing by were firetrucks, cops, and ambulances. Immediately I thought, "I'm going to be late. Now what do I do?" I turned on the radio just in time to hear the traffic report, which mentioned a pickup truck had overturned in the left lane and may be on fire. As I looked ahead, a big plume of black smoke rose ahead of me. Definitely on fire. I waited another 30 mins before cars began to crawl forward. The emergency responders had closed all lanes, as we were forced to squeeze by single-file on the right shoulder. As I passed the accident, a once blue Dodge Ram truck was a gray smoldering wreck. The fire had seemingly shrunk the car as it lay no more than 4 ft tall. Yikes. I hope no one was seriously injured.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

frustrating to say the least

[Photo from 20x200]

2 things.

1. Ever had a dream you woke up from, swore you would remember it so it could be retold, go back to sleep, and forget the entire premise the next morning other than the fact that you wanted to remember it? Happened yesterday. All I remember is that it was awesome. =/

2. Ever have a dream that's got your friends and people you know, only to have everything turned upside down by an event that throws you for such a loop that you wake up thinking, WTF?!? Happened the day before yestereday, and a few times before that. Example would be the ex-gf of one of your best friends asking you out to dinner, even though you never really spoke to her in real life. Man that was weird.
